A personalised icebreaker first paragraph has shown to increase reply rates by almost 70% in cold emails. Only thing is the process of creating personalised ice breakers when you're sending out 100s of emails can be really time consuming.
You might spend hours doing it yourself or you might hire a VA to do it for you (which might take weeks or months to get the right person). On top of that you want to be creative with each personalisation to make it punchy so your email customer stays hooked
We've automated that entire process and used our AI engine to create a punchy personalised first liner for you to keep your reader engaged and interested in what you have to tell them
You kick off my selecting which websites you want to reach out to
Once you paste them, our engine will get to work finding all sorts of effective angles to create a high converting personalised ice breaker using news, company data, linkedin information, awards, crunchbase data and other meta data we can find
And just like that you've now got 2 personalised icebreakers with all the research done for you