Write the Best Formal Email to Avoid Cringe-Worthy Content

Hey Mr. Goodman, 

Are you interested in beating HHM before the end of the quarter like Argentina kicked Australia’s a**? If you’re in, call me asap. 

HMM is still using Mailmagnet for $90/month to send 1000 cold emails only. You can use our product at $40/month and send twice more emails than them.  

I have the best offer you have ever seen, which will help your company save loads. 

Trust me; it will change your effing life.


Jesse Pinkman

Let’s observe a minute of silence for this sales-suicide of an e-mail and then list the things that went wrong. 

❌Wrong salutation

❌Using slur

❌Citing the competitor’s price

❌Over-friendly tone

The above mistakes, to say the least, are irrecoverable. This is why it’s essential to learn how to write a formal email so that you don’t mess up your cold emails by sounding all cringe-y. 

Read till the end to find out how to use AI-based tools to create such content. 

What does Formal Email mean in Business Conversations?

Many businesspeople hear “Formal email,” and they instantly think about the applications schoolchildren write to their head teachers. Well, it’s not the same for business conversations. 

A formal mail is one that is official, follows a format, and clearly expresses the intent without any error. It is generally sent to someone you don’t know (for prospecting mails) or someone in an important/superior position. 

Tips to Create the Best Email in a Formal Tone

Straightforward Subject Lines 

Senders like to be creative when it comes to writing email subject lines. Many of us want to create something that’s catchy and interesting and bags an immediate response. While getting creative is a good idea, please note that marketing copy-like subject lines don’t work in formal conversations, not even for networking purposes. 

Don’t use sentences like:

Hey [first name]

[Competitor company] is ruining your business

References to popular culture in the subject line are also a big red flag.

Be a boss like Michael Scott

Instead, one should always go with a clear, straightforward subject line that expresses your identity and motif directly.

✔️ Dwight Schrute from Dunder Mifflin

✔️ Mr. Goodman recommends we get in touch

✔️ I can help cut {so-and-so cost} by 20% 

Follow the Format

An informal email is nothing but an extended version of a text or message with no orthodox format, but a formal mail is the opposite. Consider utilizing an email lookup service to verify the authenticity of the sender and prevent potential phishing attempts. It Must follow a proper structure & format, and it includes the following:

  •  Salutation & Greetings
  • Opening lines
  • Short mail body
  • Closing lines
  • Email Signature
  • CTA (optional)

For formal messages, follow the above format in the correct order, and you’re almost 50% done with the work. 

Formal Salutation Only

Salutation is the most important part of a formal message. Remember, you’re sending this formal message to someone who can bring significant changes in your professional/business life.

Therefore, it’s super important to get the right way of addressing a formal email recipient. 

Never use “Hi” or “Hey” to write a formal mail. 

Hi Saul

Hey Goodman

Hey, [last name] or [first name] is a big NO in official or formal messages. 

Always use “Dear Mr/Miss/Mrs [Last name]. 

        ✔️ Dear Mr. Goodman

If you’re not sure about the person’s preferred pronouns, then it’s safe to use “Dear [first name] [last name].” 

✔️ Dear Saul Goodman

If you intend to be polite and the recipient isn’t your superior (but someone you’re friendly with), you can use “Dear [first name].”

✔️ Dear Saul

Formal Opening Lines

There are no set guidelines for opening lines in formal writing. But there are a few commonly followed criteria:

  • Short 
  • Crisp
  • Straightforward
  • No beating around the bush
  • Leads to the topic 
  • Not more than 2 sentences

Formal mails are mostly sent to influential people who might have more than 300 mails landing in their inboxes every day. So, to say the least, beating around the bush will never work. 

They don’t have the time and patience to deal with misleading subject lines. Probably that’s the reason why the above points work so well while writing formal opening lines. 

Some of the examples are:

✔️I am reaching you in regard to our earlier exchange

✔️I hope this email finds you well

✔️I hope the week/month/year is going well so far

✔️Congratulations on {so-and-so award/achievement}!

✔️Your prompt action is much appreciated

✔️How’s the progress on SEO training going?

✔️I am eager to know your thoughts about {so-and-so issues}

2 to 3 Lines Body

Recipients of formally written mails don’t have the leisure to read a lengthy correspondence till the end. As a matter of fact, mails with 75 to 100 words get the highest response rate, according to a study by Boomerang.

Let’s say a sentence contains 15 to 20 words on average (never exceed more than 20-word sentences in formal mails). So, we have a rough estimation of:

Greetings: 2 to 3 words 

Introduction/opening lines: 2 sentences: 20 to 30 words

Email body: 2 to 3 sentences: 40 to 50 words

Closing lines: 1 or 2 sentences: 10 to 20 words

Signature: 2 words 

So, it looks like even the smallest formal mail will be around 74 words. Overall, it’s essential to keep it within 2 to 3 lines to write the perfect mail body with relevant details. 

Closing Lines

Most common formal closing lines begin with phrases such as:

  • Thanks in advance for…
  • Let me know…
  • Looking forward to…
  • Thank you so much for…
  • All the best…

 Some of the commonly used sentences by working officials are:

  • Your cooperation is much appreciated. 
  • Your prompt action is much appreciated. 
  • Please let me know when you’re available/free
  • Meanwhile, if you need any assistance with… please let me know

The best closing lines for formal messages would be neutral in tone and not expressing thankfulness or desperation in any strong way. Not to forget, it must be related to what you’re talking about in the mail body.

Use “Yours Sincerely” as the Email Sign-Off 

“Yours Sincerely” is an email sign-off that is as old as time. Just kidding! No, it’s not, but it’s a very old-school way of ending a mail. 

In case you know the person, “Yours Sincerely” works almost all the time for formal mails. If you’re writing to someone you don’t know yet, you can use “Regards”. It’s a formal and completely harmless way of ending your official mail.  

Additional Tip: Use a comma after the sign-off. 

Detailed Email Signature 

You need the following details in the signature of a formal mail:

  1. Your name
  2. Designation
  3. Name of the company or the organization your work in
  4. Link to your profile/website
  5. Phone number

As the conventional format for formal mails, people provide their full names below the sign-off phrase/word and above the mail signature. If the recipient is your boss, manager, or anybody you know, you can only provide your first name. However, using your full name is always advised to avoid confusion. 

After your name, add your designation. Mention if you are the manager, director, team lead, etc. Just below your designation, provide your company’s name. In the case of networking emails, you can also provide the link to your LinkedIn profile or your website. 

Never forget to add your Phone number. However, if you want to meet with the recipient or have any other purpose, you can add a small CTA as per your motif.

Additional Tip: Always use a professional email address to send formal mails.  

Avoid Typos & Other Errors

Last but not least, your message must be error-free. Check if there are any

  • Capital letters in the middle of the sentences
  • Sentences breaking proper grammar rules
  • Spelling mistakes- Use online tools like Quillbot's automatic spelling correction to improve your writing accuracy.

How to Use AI-Driven Tools to Write Formal Emails

If your team of writers is tired of manually writing every formal mail, it’s time to use AI-based writing tools. 

Let’s say you have already subscribed to an AI writing tool and are using the software. Now, I will tell you how to use AI-driven software to write formal mails

On the homepage/main page of the software, you will find an option “create project” or something synonymous. It basically means you’re creating a file as you do in Google docs. Click there. It will open a dialogue box where you can write the name (that you want to give to that file). 

After creating the project, it will be there like the other projects on the main page. Go ahead and click on it. It will open something like this. 

As you want to write a mail, you will go to the “script” option. In this software, you have the same option named “smart script”. 

After clicking on the “script” button, you will need to provide a CSV file and then bits of conversation that you want to carry through the mail. 

Then, voila! You will have the mail ready, personalized for each recipient based on their website or LinkedIn profile. 

Check out this video to get a detailed idea of how to do that. 

If you want to send similar personalized emails to hundreds of people and automate the follow-up emails, too, you need to check out this particular tool–Smartlead

A user on G2.com said, "Smartlead is like the top 3 ESPs but on steroids.".


Although casual business emails are the newest trend, good formal email messages can be the key to cracking important deals. On any given day, experienced industry professionals like business owners and solopreneurs prefer the professional tone and formal language over funky references or emojis. 

So, to be a successful individual in the coming year, learn how to ace a formal mail without killing its soul. 

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