15 Shocking Email Personalization Statistics [Infographic]

Check out these incredible statistics on how personalisation can change your business and email marketing campaign and (if done right) double your revenue with a few simple steps

You'll notice some significant and abnormal numbers just from personalisation, and its a powerful tool everyone should be using

We go over some key points covered by

  • SEO experts and how they use personalisation for backlinks
  • How marketers use personalisation to increase customer engagement
  • How using names in subjects lines can increase open rates
  • The easiest way to find a 7x increase in revenue from segmenting and creating hyper personalisation to that cohort

Infographic Embed Code:
<a href="https://www.smartwriter.ai/blog/15-shocking-email-personalization-statistics-infographic"><img style="width:100%;" src="https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5ffd5ee7d7c77a1f37e2a88e/60fd115715025a1862cdcfff_Personalisation.png"></a><br>Infographic Design By SmartWriter <a href="https://smartwriter.ai">SmartWriter</a>
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