11 Rapport building questions to Instantly Increase Sales

Sales reps know that building rapport with potential customers is key to increasing the chances of making a sale. However, we are often unsure of how to initiate the conversation or what questions to ask. In this blog post, let us share the 11 effective rapport-building questions we can use in any sales situation. Using these questions, we can create an instant connection on common ground with our customers and increase the chances of making a sale. So, without further ado, let's get started!
Customer Rapport In Business:
Customer rapport is all about creating positive relationships with prospects, whether with our customers or people likely to buy from us. Helping customers build rapport with our business can give us a competitive edge over competitors and help buyers bond with the brand. If someone feels there's a close connection between them and the business they're doing business with, they're more likely to stick to the rule of thumb to have a transactional relationship by making repeat orders. When people know what's in it for them, they're more easily influenced into taking certain actions. So it is essential to have a good rapport with the customers for a successful deal.
How Do We Build Rapport Examples?
The best way to build rapport with our audience is by being honest, open, and engaging. To build rapport with someone, we need to make genuine conversation. We can also use phrases like "thank-you" or ask rapport-building questions like "how are you?" It will help break the ice so that people feel more comfortable around. It is necessary to have good communication with prospects to close the deals in the business.
Building a rapport by being professional, Active listening to the customers' queries, and then paraphrasing what was just said is what matters the most to seal a deal. For example, suppose our client is telling us about their requirements, As a first step. In that case, we should listen carefully to find what they want, make them feel comfortable, start with general greetings, and be ready with the sales rapport-building questions to hook them into the conversation. It will help in building trust between sender and recipient. We should think of customers as our priority. It will make them feel connected to the brand or services. And automatically influence them into decision making.
What Are Rapport-Building Questions and Why Is it Important?
These questions are used to create instant rapport with our target audience, getting the conversation flowing and the customer more receptive to the message we have for them, ultimately leading to a more positive outcome. When asking rapport questions, it's important not only to ask good questions but then follow up on the question with a quality answer, making listeners feel like they've been heard and understood.
People want to feel like they're connecting personally with the person who's asking them questions. The rapport-building queries give us an opportunity for that kind of conversation by allowing the respondents time and space to engage in long conversations about anything from their interests, making it easier to build a trustworthy relationship with customers.
And there are certain questions that we should ask our potential customers to show them how much they mean to us. A study states that 80% of the customers become regular buyers based on previous purchase experience. So it is important to develop a good reputation for a perfect deal. Also, these types of questions create a sensible conversation, build rapport and help the sale along with time.
Rapport building Question types:
- One of the most common types of rapport-building questions is open-ended questions. These rapport phrases allow for discussion and give people an opportunity to talk about their opinions or experiences without being told what they should say next, making them more engaging.
- And the next type is Hypothetical questions. They are a great way to qualify prospects in engaging and creative ways. The trick with these questions is that they're loaded with emotion and memories. They help create a level of rapport that's not present with common questions and can be useful for potential purchases.
- Forming an emotional bond with the customers is the foundation for getting them to like our service or product and want to buy from you. Two-way communication equals a better relationship, which can lead to better sales conversions. Through the Instant Sales Write-Up, it can do by asking questions about the product or service.
Benefits of Building a Good Rapport With Customers:
- According to a study, 43% of people purchase from the brand they're loyal to. And the good rapport-building questions help establish a loyal relationship with our customers.
- It plays a major role in lead acquisition to generate a customer base, and it helps nurture the prospects and convert them into leads.
- It helps to improve the brand reputation by developing a strong bond with the ideal customers and making them feel we truly care for them.
- It boosts our sales productivity and improves our customer confidence in the purchase.
- It allows us to have a good rapport with our customers and colleagues.
- It helps us to upgrade our sales skills to serve our customers.
- Mutual Trust is what matters the most for everything. The rapport we build with our customers leads to getting the trust of our customers and far more.
How to Craft the Best Rapport-Building Questions?
Rapport-building questions are a powerful way to engage your audience in conversation and promote interaction, especially when emailing potential or existing clients. And it's not too difficult to create effective rapport questions to boost conversions. We have to follow certain norms to craft a perfect rapport building questionnaire that includes
- Personalized messages: We have to create personalized messages that give the customer a personal touch, which impresses them the most. It makes them feel our efforts towards them.

- Be Creative and unique: Our questionnaire should be catchy and creative to attract prospective customers.
- Be Promising: Make sure that the recipient gets offered what they want and how they can benefit from our service or product.
- Create Precise message: Avoid being too salesy, which will scare them right away. Create prompt messages and impress the audience.
- Analysis Customer Behaviour: And find out what sort of questions we need for the specific product or service based on customer behavior.
- Set Goal: Then set a goal including at least one question per sentence in the sales email template that takes advantage of the human emotion they hear and a desire to communicate further.
Here are some great examples of rapport-building questions:
"If you could have three wishes come true, what would they be?"
"What type of design do you like? What makes them so good?"
Hoping that this content piece helped in rapport phrase creation. Now it is time to share the industry-tested building rapport questions to connect with people and increase sales instantly.
11 Best Rapport Building Questions to Instantly Increase Sales
1. What are your top recommendations for a great time in [city/state]?
If we're looking for ideas to ask our clients when they're on tour, it can be difficult to think of questions that will help us build rapport yet not come across as creepy or invasive. The main objective is to initiate a conversation. In this situation, these ice-breaking rapport-building questions in sales will do magic. After all, finding out more about your clients helps foster a better working relationship with them in the future and means that you're more likely to do the best job possible for them. But there is a line between being personable and becoming intrusive, which we should not cross. Spend a couple of minutes telling interesting stories from your own life (but don't overshare) and ask questions about their interests.
2. I've never been to [ conference ], but I'm considering going this year. Have you ever been? What do you think about it and would love your impressions if possible?
Asking suggestions rapport queries will emotionally hook the readers to take the time to reply. So it works if we insist it is genuine and boosts our email marketing conversions. For example, we have asked about the suggestion about the conference, which can help us upgrade our skills so it will be easy for us to connect with the prospective customer.
3. Hey, I noticed on LinkedIn that you help out with [organization]. How'd you get started?
The key is to recognize that our community on LinkedIn, Twitter, or other social media platforms is like any other niche we might find in the market. There needs to be a connection if the audience will remember us. Some people are simply great at connecting with people, and others naturally build rapport when they begin talking with someone. Good networking comes from building a foundation of trust, genuinely sharing interesting stuff, and not asking for anything for doing so. Asking about their organization, complimenting it on something specific, or even giving them some information will help connect with everyone within minutes.
4. Wow! Your post on [topic] was great and I loved reading your thoughts about ____ in particular. Have you seen this related article?
These questionnaires are effectively used in the outreach process. It especially helps in the backlink outreach process. Appreciating the blogs done by them impresses the potential clients and compels them to open our messages.
5. Congratulations on your recent company announcement! How long have you been working?
Asking the people how long they have been working for the company will tell us how experienced they are. Someone who has recently joined probably doesn't know much about the company, so that we can use this question. It might make them feel at ease with us and encourage them to discuss sensitive business topics.
6. What's your opinion on [topic]? I read that you think ____ but I'm always curious to learn how other people formed their opinions?
Everyone can have a different opinion on different topics and reading other people's takes is a great way to compare our own opinions and learn something. However, what makes opinions special is the fact that they are personal, whether it's relating to an experience we had or a topic just found interesting. The easiest way to get people thinking about our opinion is in a question format because these reflective questions are great at urging people to continue reading or even provide their own opinion.
7. Where do you want to be in business five years from now?
Our reputation is everything in business. To be taken seriously, We should ask our customers about their sales goals to serve them the best. Don't rely on short-term sales strategy or spam your customers with sales calls and additional questions. Be optimistic and kick-start the sales outreach process with useful rapport phrases.
8. You used to work in some other field previously, but how did the transition go?
These phrases help to approach the experts in a particular field or niche. Based on the prospect's experience, the chances of sharing the knowledge are high. So this approach makes them remember us, and when next time we approach them for sales purposes, it will create an impression that we already know the person because of the previous conversation.
9. As a rep for [company], I frequently talk with many people in different professions, but your speech at the [Event] impressed me to [Matter]. Would you like to?
This questionnaire will help us connect the person from our network or the person we met at some meeting. These phrases act like follow-up questions and increase the chances of a click-through rate.
10. What's been the most important thing you've learned about your role?
Generally, people love to share their experiences with others. It makes them feel special about themselves. They are always open to sharing their achievements and struggles to inspire the juniors. So this questionnaire will help to emotionally hook the reader and give a chance to have a conversation.
11. What have clients in this position told us, and how does that compare with what has happened or differs now?
The ultimate goal of a good business relationship is to achieve some rapport in sales with your clients, meaning that we've built up a significant level of trust. One way to achieve it is by asking our customers questions about their personal experiences and what they want out of our services. Once the prospect's details have been collected, the next step is to compare those experiences with what's happened now, factoring positive and negative differences into our conclusions. By comparing what our clients expect with what they're receiving in reality, We can finally figure out how to better suit all parties' needs more closely.
Rapport is a key element in the sales process. If we want to increase the customer base and ultimately make more money, it's important to build rapport quickly with potential customers. "Rapport building questions for sales" are used for this purpose. They help establish common ground between buyer and seller by allowing them to get acquainted before making a purchase decision. It can be really tough to create good questions on the spot when we're in sales meeting someone new, which is why we've compiled 11 of our favorite types of rapport questionnaires that will help us instantly create mutual connections and boost our sales. So whether to improve the current approach or need some fresh ideas, take a look at this list of rapport-building questions and improve the sales process.