30 Sales Qualifying Questions to Help You Sell More

Are you trying to increase your sales? If so, Consider using sales qualifying questions to determine whether a prospect is a good fit for our products or services. In general, Sales can be a tricky process, but qualifying the prospects can make it a lot easier. By asking the right sales questions, We can better understand our customer's needs and identify the potential opportunities, which can help our b2b sales team sell more.
And the sales success depends on our ability to qualify potential customers effectively and build a solid sales pipeline. To get started, In this blog, we are sharing the 30 proven qualifying questions to ask the potential customers.
Why are qualifying leads important for sales?
On average, every sales rep spends most of the time talking to prospects who are not interested in buying your product or service. It means that they are wasting their precious time on unqualified prospects and losing the chance to close deals with qualified prospects. So It is highly advisable to do the sales qualification process to create a strategic sales funnel.
Qualified leads are those who have shown an interest in what you offer. They may even have already decided to buy from you. So how do you find them? With the right lead qualifying questions, we can find the qualified prospect.
What are qualifying questions?
Sales qualifying questions are used extensively by salespeople who want to find customers most likely to fit what they have to offer. Qualifying questions help avoid wasting time and effort on buyers who aren't ready or willing to make a purchase. Sales reps usually use qualifying questions as the first step in building a rapport with potential buyers, helping them decide whether they should invest time and energy into talking further with someone. So it is mandatory to qualify leads to find the ideal customers to sell more.
Qualifying Questions: How to Ask Them & When to Use
Asking questions to create a rapport is an effective way of helping both us and our sales prospects assess the future value that may provide. Sales qualifying questions are asked as open-ended or closed questions, and they provide a clear direction for where discussions will lead. We can choose which questions or a combination of questions work best to seal the deal. It will depend on how familiar we're with our customers and how willing they share this information with us during a meeting or call.
The best way to learn about the detailed buyer persona and its challenges is by asking relevant sales questions. This questionnaire will help us get insight into the prospects or company's goals, objectives, current budget, strengths, weaknesses, culture, values, and more. Some qualifying questions examples that can help us uncover the buyer's persona.
With this, we can decide if a prospect is a good match for our business:
- What stage of the decision-making process are you at?
- How does the current situation impact your team?
- What is happening currently, and what are its consequences?
We can choose which questions or a combination of questions work best. It will depend on how familiar we are with our customers and how willing they share and make buying decisions.
Benefits of the qualifying questions sales:
- Solicit the customers' interest and qualify them regarding our topic by asking questions. This foreplay technique will help generate interest and influence the decision-maker to think about an answer they can relate to.
- According to statistics, 43% of people prefer to purchase from the brand or service they are familiar with or had previous experience with. The qualifying questions sales are the best option to gain the customers' trust and confidence.
- A study states that 64% of businesses use email marketing to reach potential customers. The qualifying sales questions help us personalize the sales pitch based on customers' needs and improve the standard of our sales pitch to have successful sales outreach campaigns with the collected information.

- Imagine being a salesperson, and you're trying to pitch the latest solution or service to a potential client. You've been invited into their office, or somewhere else they're comfortable. To break the ice now so, you ask the first question: "What brings you here today?" It is your first sales qualifying question, and how they answer it will give you information about what the person wants to achieve. It helps create a sales opportunity and flood your sales pipeline with qualified prospects.
- It acts as a key to the sales process, turning many visitors into customers. It helps the buyer decide to buy and lets them know in detail what we have to offer.
- It is one of the effective sales techniques used by sales managers to improve the business's productivity, buying process, and revenue.
Whether an expert or sales rep is trying to land a new client or a founder pitching to investors, asking the right questions is essential for success. To sell more and improve the sales process, we need to know our ideal customer needs and wants. These 30 qualifying questions will help us figure out what our prospects are looking for and whether they're a good fit for what you have to offer. And make us a way to set the benchmark for the entire sales process.
30 Important Qualifying Questions to Help Sell More
- What's the problem you want to resolve with this product/service?
Understanding the issue is the first thing we should do to serve the customers effectively. It is why it's so important that a salesperson or manager takes all necessary steps before referring a prospect to a company. For instance, it helps if they ask these questions that reveal an actual problem or challenge that needs fixing. It helps to develop a good rapport with the prospects.
- How Did You Come to Know About Us?
All businesses can relate to the importance of gaining new customers and better understanding their target audience. Asking customers about where they heard about us may reveal some interesting insights. We can build this into a qualification sequence based on concrete actions, such as Blogs, referrals, Social Media (LinkedIn/Facebook/Twitter/Tumblr), Articles, and far more.
- Suppose you've tried to solve this problem in the past but failed. What are some reasons that solution may not have worked?
Reasons that previous solutions have failed to work can often be subjective, resulting in individuals who are vastly different from your target consumer. And It's important to dig deeper into why things didn't work out the last time so that you don't simply repeat the same mistakes.
- Would you mind sharing your thoughts and priorities on the [Service/ Product]?
Without knowing the specific details of the business requirement, we'll focus on the sales process within a larger corporate structure. Understand what the customers want because everyone has their objective and reasons for doing what they do on any given day. We need to understand that and try to put ourselves in their shoes, to think about it.
- What is your motivation for doing something about it now? What is it that's prompting you to do something about your situation now?
Some salespeople use one strategy to connect with their prospects personally, empathizing with their problems. One way to do this is to discuss how you experienced a similar situation before and how it brought you pain and frustration. We should lead them through the thought process of why we have decided to take action immediately. Then ask the prospects if they have any plans for resolving the problem.
- What is the biggest reason you haven't tried solving this problem before?
The prospect may be distracted or under pressure from other priorities. They might also have difficulty pinpointing what it is they want because of their lack of clarity around the problem itself, so this would mean that there needs to be more information given about how your product/service can help them before moving forward with selling anything else.
- What's the most effective way to communicate further?
This questionnaire allows us to approach the prospects directly and helps us to connect with them based on their convenience. It will make them feel that we understand their space and compel them to reply.
- When do you expect to have a budget allocated for this project?
Qualifying on the budget is important because money can affect the outcome of your conversation with a prospect. The specific number doesn't matter as much, but make sure you and their ability to pay are in sync before moving forward.
- What are your goals?
Buyers like to see results as quickly or slowly over time, depending on the situation at hand. The best way for each individual is different and should be considered before deciding when they would like their outcomes announced to accommodate both parties involved in any given process.
- Who will ultimately decide if we buy the [Services/Company/Product]?
It is an important question to ask, as it could uncover the actual decision-makers to approach further or later. For instance, we should know who's the final say and get them on a call to communicate further.
- We've never thought about it, but I can sure see the value. What happened when you tried to implement this in your company?
The entire way that a company thinks about sales and marketing and how they are structured on the inside has direct implications on the outside in terms of who will be chosen to do all the work, and it's vital to get this right before you start accepting bids from someone simply because they charge less than your competitor or are affiliated with certain groups.
- Have you seen any other offering similar products or services?
These questions will influence the customer behavior and push them to make decisions based on the availability, offers, comparison, and far more. It will make them more confident in the product or services purchased. They may feel like we have many options, but the best one is for the business.
- What are some reasons why we might work together and not be able to complete a project?
Ultimately, one of the important aspects of any business relationship is to trust the other party. If you are afraid that your new partner might not fulfill their duties and obligations, this could be a reason for not entering into a partnership. However, both parties must trust each other for a beneficial deal. It'll help to make them our happy customers.
- What's your average day like? I want to know what you prefer for this solution.
Some sales qualifying questions are designed to narrow down who is the decision-maker. Some are designed to know their level of authority. Others want to find out whether they've gone through this process before and if they need to use a solution like yours. It'll help us to initiate with a personal touch.
- Is this a problem that everyone on your team can understand and get behind?
The sales process is as much a part of selling products and services as understanding your prospects' motives in buying. After all, we buy with emotion and justify with logic. Without them wanting to make a purchase, the sale can not happen.
- Why didn't you try to gain more from your last vendor?
Getting a painful purchase experience from the previous purchase can help our customers better. So what can we understand and learn from this data about how vendors should best approach selling us on an idea or product beforehand so there won't be any major letdowns later down the road when things go wrong due to lack of proper planning.
- What is your current process for this? If you have a solution in place, why are you switching?
It's important to know what our competitors are doing, not just how we can beat them. You should ask about the customers' opinions on different solutions and see if they have any ideas before going into a sale.
- What attracted you most to the company?
We are always looking for ways to understand our customers and their needs better. We do this by asking them what interested them in our brand. It'll give us an insight into highlighting features to fine-tune our pitch to get more conversions.
- We're always looking for new challenges, and we would love the opportunity to discuss how you can [company's need] with our help?
If we are looking for a way to make our business more successful, we can do it with these questions. It will create an opportunity for our sales team to guide all aspects of marketing strategy development alongside implementation tactics to bring about long-lasting results. We can develop an emotional bond with our prospects.
- What might happen if we accept your offer?
Questions like these help salespeople gauge whether the prospect is a good fit for the product or service being sold by understanding the buyers' real needs and desires. It's also good practice to find out if a lead has a budget for your solution. In this instance, our relationship could go two different ways depending on how things play out between us and the prospects.
- Who will make sure that the implementation of your service or product is successful?
The person responsible for implementing the service or product should have a clear understanding of its goals. They must know what success looks like and encourage this behavior from other employees to help make it happen with this kind of service.
- Do I need something quickly, or can it wait until later?
It is a question for which there are no set answers. It largely depends on your schedule and availability and whether you need the item right away versus if it can wait until later.
- How long would proximity keep us from needing another solution before this one becomes insufficient again?
It is one of the reasons why your product or service keeps the customer interested in their desire for self-satisfaction, security, and added value. A variety of factors contributes to this fact and needs to be mentioned in any sales meeting as we can keep our client engaged in a conversation by using specific pressure points.
- From what I've learned, it sounds like a great opportunity. Can you tell me more about [company's need]?
The statistics clearly show companies need to be more diverse in their leadership. These questions will help grow businesses both now and into future generations when an equal number may not always exist.
- We can work out the payment plan for you to best suit your needs.
This statement is a great example of conflict resolution in action because it combines reverse psychology with a common sales resolution model. If everything else fails, this "backward" way of resolving payment issues can be the difference between making or losing the sale.
- Are you ready to talk this into the next step, Like another meeting, demo, sign up, or call?
To get the most out of our outreach campaign, we must know how long people typically wait before taking action. It may be worth considering integrating something like "What next" in front of every request, whether it's a meeting with someone or signing up for trial offers.
- How is our [Product/Services] best for your business compared to competitors?
Many factors go into making one platform better than another, so it isn't easy without firsthand knowledge, but these comparisons should give you an idea as long they're within reasonable limits.
- What are the certain steps I need to take for this deal?
Use these questions to gather information about the leads, who they are, and what they want. The first question helps you qualify that you're talking to a qualified lead, and the second one is used to find out how far the lead is in their planning process. By asking these questions, it lets them know that you are interested in doing business with them to pass these qualifying questions.
- What is your ideal customer profile?
And it's not simply being able to close every deal and meet your monthly quota. It's about nurturing long-lasting business relationships with customers who will continue to come back and spend money over time. These sales qualifying statements help you qualify prospects and bring in new clients more effectively than ever before.
- How many employees does your company have? What's the size of that workforce, measured by revenue or number of customers?
The more people and resources you have, the easier it will be to get your business up and running smoothly with minimal hassle or risk for investors looking at new opportunities on this market wave. Gathering this information can help to create a quality lead base.
Final Thoughts:
Qualifying leads is an essential part of the sales process. By asking qualifying questions, we can determine whether or not a lead is worth pursuing. The benefits of using qualifying questions include more efficient selling time, increased accuracy in determining customer needs, and higher conversion rates. There are many important qualifying questions to ask when selling products or services. We've compiled 30 sales qualifying questions that will help the sales efforts in both B2B and B2C markets. Use this tested list as a starting point for your next sales closing.